Community, Relationships, Rooted Stories of Life Transformation

Last night was powerful. Over 750 people from our Rooted groups joined together for one big celebration. And, wow, there was a lot to celebrate! We rejoiced with each person who got baptized, praised God for how He brought these group together in community, shared the incredible work that was done through the serving experience, and saw stories of life change right before our very eyes. One of the best parts of the Rooted Celebration (SPOILER ALERT!) is when people share their ""cardboard testimonies."" These are the before and after stories of the life transformation individuals and groups have experienced through Rooted. It's always incredible to see how God works through these groups, leaders, and individuals to create such unimaginable life change in such a short amount of time. If you feel lost, hopeless, lonely, unsure, or anything similar, check out just a handful of the 750 testimonies we've received below:

Before Rooted

After Rooted

I was lost.

Now, I am found!

Looking to regain my foundation of faith in my life.

Prepared and equipped to pick up and continue my journey where I left off.

Broken & disconnected

Loved & reconnected.

Mildly depressed.

More confident.
Aware of those around me.

Ready to leave the group after the first meeting.

I have found how important community is.

Uncertain about the Rooted program and this unfamiliar group,

I have new friends. In these few weeks, I know and am known by more people than the last 17 years at Grace.

Needing Community

Overwhelmed by the scope & depth of my community.

Becoming spiritually dry

Rejuvenated & hopeful.

Anxiety filled

In community.

Resistant to the rigor.

Grateful for the opportunity to have met my community. More full.

Hungry for regular, intentional fellowship
Excited to develop my walk with God.
Cautious, embarrassed by my actions.

Thankful to continue to build authentic relationships.
Accountable to those in the group for love, sharing, and support.

Not studying the Word.
Less able to pray.
Angry and bitter.

More serene.
Part of a budding group that I hope will grow into a Life Group.
Proud of Grace Church and what they strive to accomplish.


Growing in hope.
Growing in relationships
Understanding my journey.
Stronger in faith.

Nervous about discussing with these strangers

More concerned with making sure others are heard and comfortable. Putting myself out there.

Angry and doubting.

Trusting and hopeful. I have a double-fisted faith.

I was confused and frustrated.

I have clarity and peace of mind.


Putting the pieces back together.


Full of love and hopeful knowing that I’m closer to God.

I was full of despair and had a distant relationship with God.

I’m beginning my journey of healing and redemption.

Unsure follower of Jesus.

I got baptized at the Rooted Celebration!

Scared to start Rooted and that I would not have a friend.

Confident and now I have great friends.

Didn’t know if God could use me.

Convinced God can use even me.

I didn’t have anyone to talk to about my chronic illness. I wanted to hide it.

Now I know people who struggle with similar things and support and encourage me. I can be me.

I was isolated.

Now, I have a community!

I was involved in multiple ministries before Rooted.

I realized it is not what I am doing but what He is doing in me.

I had cancer.

Now I am healed.

I was stuck in patterns of sin.

Experiencing new freedom in Christ.


I’m part of a family!

 I felt abandoned and alone; this was a last-ditch effort.

I now look forward to waking up in the mornings.

Apprehensive about connecting with people younger than me.

Now I know people who struggle with similar things and support and encourage me. I can be me.

I was struggling to feel connected.

I feel called to get involved and lead in Merge.

Need Community? Transformation? Hope?

If you feel lost, stuck, lonely, or any number of things mentioned in the ""before"" list, we encourage you to sign up for the next semester of Rooted. Find the community you've always been looking for! Click here to learn more about Rooted.


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