Partners & Outreach Why Go On A Mission Trip?


At Grace Church, we believe that Jesus instructed us to be His hands and feet in the world. One way we as a church seek to serve others as the body of Christ is through short-term missions. Throughout the year, Grace sends people of all ages to our partners all over the world. Our partners might be 20 miles away (Shepherd Community Center in Indianapolis) or 7,961 miles away to (Nairobi Chapel in Kenya).

Why We Go

But, why do we go? It’s simple: we go to serve our partners in whatever way they need. Trip participants have taught English, worked in medical clinics, done accounting work, cared for children with disabilities, held leadership training classes, led vacation bible schools, and so much more. Regardless of where they go or what they do, people come back from these trips changed forever. They have taken a deeper step into the kingdom of God and ultimately widening their worldview and gaining new perspectives. This new experience leaves people with a hunger to be part of what God is doing unlike ever before. A trip is never over once everyone heads home, but the relationships made between the partner ministries and the trip participant carries on. These relationships are constant streams of love and support flowing around the world. Read stories from past trip participants here!

Partner ministries are reaching out to teach us at Grace about the Kingdom as we do the same for them. We are blessed to see our friends face to face during short-term missions and it leaves no one unchanged.

This Year's Trips

Do you want to serve our partners and change your life? Join us! 

See all Trips



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