What is Isolation?

Each one of us was created to be in relationship with God and in relationship with one another. And yet, when we look around at our world, one thing is pretty obvious: isolation is rampant and we are lonely.

Why is Healing Isolation Important to God?

But, we were never meant to be alone. God created humanity so that we could join His community of love. He wants to heal broken relationships. Through Jesus, He is bringing humans back into communion with Himself, and he’s bringing us into loving community with one another.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Healing the Broken Place of IsolationDo You Long To See People Connected In Community?

Does your heartache when you see lonely people?

If that resonates with you, you might be a Nurterer. You don't have to be a pastor or counselor to walk with isolated people. You just need to make yourself available to those who find themselves alone. All it takes is showing up, picking up the phone, or being a listening ear and you can change someone's life. 

Isolation is Closer Than You ThinkIsolation Is Everywhere

Tn a world where billions of people are more connected through technology than ever before, there are people all around us and all over the world lacking deep and trusted relationships. More than ever, people are seeking authentic community to walk together in the good times and to help navigate our lives in the bad times. We need community. Jesus brought hope and healing into a world broken plagued by loneliness and hurting relationships and isolation and He is calling you to do the same.  

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Are You A Nurturer?

We want to know about your journey as a Nurturer working to heal isolation in your community.

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